Thematic scope:

In order to use the Focus Group Interviewing technique properly and methodologically correctly, it needs to be understood and practiced. A professional focus study (FGI, FGD) may look like a casual conversation, but it requires a lot of skills from the facilitator, including dealing with dynamic group processes. The workshop will help answer the questions of when and for what purpose to use FGI, how to prepare for it and how to moderate sessions to obtain good quality data.



What is FGI and when should it be used?

How to plan and prepare (for) such an examination?

How to create an interview script?

How to moderate and facilitate a group? - moderating fragments of the focus sessionHow to do it ethically?


For whom?

The workshop is intended for participants who do not have much experience with Focus Group Interviewing, but use, would like to use or are considering using FGI in their research work. Participants will practice and analyze individual FGI situations in their circle.



Workshop - didactic methods is an intensive working session, with elements of a lecture. The aim of the workshop is not only to present the FGI technique to the participants, but above all to actively practice the role of a moderator, respondent and FGI observer. Participants will have a chance, in safe conditions, to test standard situations as well as the so-called difficult situations waiting for qualitative researchers using the FGI technique.




dr Katarzyna Archanowicz-Kudelska


Social and economic psychologist (UW) and sociologist (SWPS University). Workshop trainer and consultant in the field of qualitative research, assistant professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and academic lecturer - UW and SWPS. He trains and conducts workshops, teaches the methodology of qualitative research as well as psychology and consumer behavior, combining theoretical knowledge and solid business experience. For over 10 years, she worked as a qualitative researcher and moderator in commercial research companies: CASE, 4PResearch Mix and GfK Polonia, in the latter leading a qualitative research team. He has over 5,000 hours of group work under his belt - focus group interviews, panels, workshops and trainings. He has an international P&G certificate in the field of leading focus groups, awarded to the best moderators. During her professional career, she has worked with large corporations, small companies and NGOs. Member of PTP, PTS, and PTBRiO.




dr Katarzyna Archanowicz-Kudelska (SGH)

Focus group interview (FGI) in practice, or focus on focus