The Transdisciplinary Network of Qualitative Researchers has been integrating and supporting the community of qualitative researchers and methodologists representing various scientific disciplines and academic centers from all over the country for over 10 years. In total, over 1,000 scholars have participated in the previous editions of TSBJ.


The previously developed and proven formula of our cyclical nationwide scientific meetings (methodological workshops and conference sessions) will be extended as part of the 10th Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research with lectures by invited outstanding methodologists and qualitative researchers from abroad. The theme of the jubilee Symposium refers not accidentally to the critical-constructive dimension of practicing qualitative research in various scientific disciplines and to the current dramatic context of various global, ecological, social, existential, humanitarian, etc. crises. looking at the concepts and practices of socially engaged qualitative research, perceived as hybrids of scientific cognition and pro-humanist and pro-democratic activism. As part of the conference sessions, issues related to selected research approaches will be presented and discussed (including, among others, grounded theory methodology, various types of ethnography and autoethnography, narrative research, visual research, phenomenography, participatory action research, arts-based research, social Internet research, critical discourse analysis, hybrid research, intersectional research, experimental writing, academic poetry) in their various combinations with a critical cognitive perspective. As usual, methodological workshops and conference debates will serve to strengthen the scientific competences of qualitative researchers, and meetings with foreign lecturers will introduce new impulses, inspirations and innovations to the domestic discourse.


The modern world increasingly requires knowledge constructed as a result of qualitative research and needs socially engaged qualitative researchers, and the idea of TSBJ has served this purpose from the very beginning.

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