The subject of public debate as well as research interests of researchers and qualitative researchers have been phenomena and situations related to border violence, war, restrictions on Human Rights, Women's Rights and Children's Rights, radical movements, repression of the state apparatus and services, oppression of the , extreme poverty, exclusion. They require specific, special research skills, knowledge and competences. Researchers entering demanding and difficult terrain face many ethical and methodological dilemmas and face ethical choices. In the research process, they meet people who experience abuse of power, violence, victims of war, victims of violations of Human Rights, Women's Rights and Children's Rights. The experiences of researchers, shared with the subjects, often take place in the context of harm, pain, lack of a sense of subjective and objective security, and violence. In connection with the above, there is a great need to create bottom-up activities, including self-help activities in the circles of researchers, whose aim is support, supervision, developing strategies for resilience, survival, attempts to solve the aforementioned ethical and methodological dilemmas, creating new, adequate to the situation, codes of ethics for research based o directives to respect Human Rights on the one hand, and the rigors of scientific research methodology on the other. The proposed workshop is a response to the above demand.

The goals of the workshop are:

- Support for researchers conducting research in difficult terrain;

- Joint development of strategies for dealing with identified categories of problem situations derived from the experience of researchers.

- An attempt to face the most common ethical and methodological dilemmas experienced by the participating researchers.

- Identification of the situation of choices faced by researchers in the research process.

- Searching for strategies and ways to strengthen research resilience in the sense of resilience.

- Getting to know the Codes of Research Ethics that can be used by researchers in the field.research supervision.

The workshop will be conducted by an experienced field researcher and streetworker, carrying out research in demanding and difficult terrain, in poverty ghettos, excluded spaces, on the street with people involved in the activity of youth gangs, committing criminal acts, with people in the crisis of homelessness. It is intended primarily for those researchers who carry out or plan to carry out research in difficult terrain, in situations requiring exceptional interpersonal, mediation and negotiation skills, facing ethical and methodological dilemmas in their research work. Secondly for everyone.


dr hab. Malgorzata Michel, prof. universities (UJ)

Study of disadvantaged environments in a demanding area:

security aspects, ethical and methodological dilemmas in the context of a humanitarian crisis