Workshop description:

Social scientists most often work with texts, but rarely treat the properties of speech and writing as a subject of study. Researchers using discourse analysis strive to notice these properties - a kind of "materiality" of speech and writing - and draw knowledge about social phenomena and processes from them. Discourse analysis is particularly useful in research on the common categorization of the social world and the related power and social exclusion, as well as in the construction of social identities.

The aim of the workshop is to familiarize participants with the processes of linguistic construction of social reality, with particular emphasis on the public sphere. The workshops will consist of short series, each of which will consist of two parts. The theoretical part will present key concepts, analytical categories and solutions used by discourse researchers. The performative dimensions of language activities will be discussed from the perspective of functional linguistics, critical discourse analysis, corpus analysis, conversational analysis, ethnography of communication, sociolinguistics and social semiotics, taking into account the visual dimensions of texts (Kress and van Leeuwen). (provided by the instructor) texts. We will also compare the cognitive potential of these perspectives in relation to specific research conducted by workshop participants.


Skills and competences acquired during the workshop:

Workshop participants will be able to characterize the features that distinguish discourse analysis from other research approaches; they will be able to name the (linguistic) dimensions of the text and name a few key categories describing each of these dimensions; they will gain the ability to use selected analytical categories to interpret the text; participants will be able to characterize the link between the text and the context and indicate selected ways of determining/defining the context for the analysis of a given text, as well as gain practical knowledge about the stages of research in discourse analysis and the difficulties and limitations associated with this analytical approach.


Prerequisites and expected number of participants:

People who would like to take part in the workshop should have basic knowledge about the specificity of qualitative research. The maximum number of workshop participants is 15 people. The order of applications will decide about participation.



The workshop should not be treated as an "intensive course" that will allow you to learn all the meanders of discourse analysis. The main goal is to awaken the participants' discursive awareness, sensitize them to the "materiality" of the written and spoken word. The second important goal is to present, explain and practice the use of selected tools in the field of discourse analysis.


dr Joanna Bielecka-Prus (UMCS)

Discourse analysis