Workshop goals:

Introduction to the phenomenographic approach against the background of qualitative analyzes in the social sciences, including familiarizing the students with the specificity of the subject of research and the ways of defining it against the background of the epistemological assumptions of the phenomenographic approach;

Recognition of the possibility of using the phenomenographic approach in social research, including educational research;

Deepening the understanding of the differences between the phenomenographic approach and other research approaches in the field of social sciences (including phenomenological research and linguistic research);

Development of the ability to conduct and analyze phenomenographic interviews, as well as phenomenographic analysis of other types of products;

Developing the ability to construct a report on phenomenographic research

Recognition of the possibility of integrating phenomenographic research within broader projects using different methodological approaches.

Teaching methods used: problem lecture, discussion, project method, case study


Course of classes:

Introductory lecture with discussion (2 hours)



Conducting a phenomenographic interview;

Intelligence analysis/production analysis;

Description of the resulting space and creating a research report;

Secondary use of the results of phenomenographic research in the area of other research approaches (multi-stage research) or their theorization;

Case study (analysis of selected reports from phenomenographic research).


Potential addressees:

Researchers or potential researchers in the field of social sciences, with basic orientation in the methodology of qualitative research; experience in the field of phenomenographic research is not necessary.


Preparation of participants for the workshop:

it is possible to work on the material (i.e. the content of the interviews) provided by the participants of the workshop; for this purpose, please contact me by e-mail in advance (no later than two weeks before the start date of the workshop):


dr hab. Astrid Męczkowska-Christiansen, prof. university (AMW) Phenomenography in social research