The workshop will be practical. Participants will gain knowledge during the workshop on how to perform contemplative research, regardless of the discipline they represent. They will become familiar with contemplative grounded theory. They will learn to apply the principle of epoché (limiting conceptualization and awareness and limiting the influence of assumptions on the perception of a phenomenon) in practice. In the workshop we will use the method of explication of self-observation of phenomena that are of interest to the researcher. Research methods from the point of view of the first person will be presented during the lecture and then used in exercises in working on the body. Attention will be paid to the context of knowledge production and the researcher's attentiveness during data collection (self-observation).

A strategy of contemplative research will be applied, where the techniques of self-observation, self-reporting, Zen/contemplative experiments, empathic experiments, contemplative note-taking and contemplative poetry will be put into practice. The applied research techniques will allow to dereify the described phenomena. Workshop participants will also have the opportunity to analyze the work of the mind (realizing distinctions and experiencing the situation as a whole) while studying phenomena.

During the workshop, contemplative bodywork techniques will be used (contemplative hatha-yoga, breathing techniques - pranayama, meditation).

Four books will be delivered to all workshop participants.




1. Introduction to the workshop - presentation of the assumptions of contemplative research and research methods. The problem of dereification - contemplative grounded theory. Lecture and discussion.

2. Work on the body (yoga, pranayama, meditation)

3. Self-observation and record of self-observation from the experience of the phenomenon in which the researcher is interested.

4. Writing poetry and using drawing for self-reporting.

5. Writing contemplative notes.

6. Individual explication of data and self-observation records.

7. Presenting the data record to other participants of the workshop. Joint discussion.

8. Explication. Presentation of your reflections in the group and starting a comparative analysis in order to generate common themes/features (and unique themes/features) of the researched phenomenon/phenomena (preparation to summarize the explication of the phenomenon).

9. The use of programs for recording self-observations and mapping the situation and the phenomenon under study




- Introduction to the workshop (lecture plus group discussion)

- Meditation as a technique of clearing the mind (hatha-yoga, breathing exercises, meditation exercises)

- Self-observation of one's own feelings and experiencing the situation here and now while performing physical, breathing and meditation exercises. (self-observation writing exercises)

- Writing contemplative notes, poetry, stories, drawing and painting as a method of inspiration and explication (exercise; individual writing, drawing, group discussion presentation)




Bentz, Valerie M. & Jeremy J. Shapiro (1998) Mindful Inquiry in Social Research, London: Sage

Bentz, Valerie M. and Vincenzo Giorgino (2016) Contemplative Social Research. Caring for Self, Being and Lifeworld, Santa Barbara: Fielding University Press.

Konecki, Krzysztof T. 2022. The Meaning of Contemplation for Social Qualitative Research. Applications and Examples. London, NY: Routledge (będzie dostaczona uczestnikom warsztatu)

Konecki, Krzysztof. T. 2022. „Empathy! So What?Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, t. 18(4),194–233

Konecki, Krzysztof T. 2022. “Who Am I When I Am Teaching? Self in Yoga Practice.The Qualitative Report, 27(11), 2623-2658.

Konecki, Krzysztof T. 2021. Experiencing the space: Visiting cemeteries on All Saints’ Day and an ordinary day. The Qualitative Report, 26(3), 832-860.

Konecki Krzysztof T. (2018) Advances in Contemplative Social Research, Lodz: Lodz University Press / Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press. (będzie dostarczona wszystkim uczestnikom warsztatu)

Konecki, Krzysztof T. (2017) Standing in Public Places: An Ethno-Zenic Experiment Aimed at Developing the Sociological Imagination and More Besides …, Czech Sociological Review, 6, 881-901.

Konecki, K. T. (2017). Contemplation for Economists. Towards a Social Economy Based on Empathy and Compassion. Economics and Sociology, 10(3), 11- 24.

Konecki Krzysztof T. (2015) Jak socjologowie mogą skorzystać na praktyce medytacji? „Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej”, t. 11, nr 4, s. 52‒86.

Van Manen, Max (2007). Phenomenology of Practice, Phenomenology & Practice 1 (1) :11 – 30.

Van Manen, Max (2003). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. London, ON: The Althouse Press.


Other reading material can be found at:



prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Konecki (UŁ)

The importance of contemplation in qualitative social research: research techniques, examples of applications